# Contacts

Contacts typically refer to individuals or entities with whom a business has a relationship or intends to establish one. These contacts could be existing customers, potential leads, partners, suppliers, or others relevant to the business's operations.

# Person

This individual could be a customer, a lead, a prospect, or any other person with whom the business has or aims to establish a relationship.

# Create person in Krayin

Step-1 Go to admin panel of krayin and click on Contacts >> Persons >> Create Person as shown in the below image.

Create Person

Step-2 Add the below details.

1) Name- Enter the name of the person.

2) Emails- Enter the email ID of the person.

3) Contact Number- Enter the contact details

4) Organization- Enter the name of the organization.


Now click on Save as Person button.

Step-3 Now a new record is created click on Persons to check the record in the Contact Person grid.

Person Grid

# Orgnization

Organization typically refers to a company, business, or entity with which the CRM user interacts or intends to establish a relationship. Organizations can be customers, clients, partners, suppliers, or any other entity relevant to the business's operations.

It could be a commercial enterprise, a non-profit organization, a government agency, or any other entity that deals with customer relationships.

# Create organizations in Krayin

Step-1 Go to admin panel of krayin and click on Contacts >> Organizations >> Create Organization as shown in the below image.

Create Organization

Step-2 Add the below details briefly.

1) Name- Enter the name of the organizations.

2) Address- Enter the address of the organization County State City Pincode

Now click on Save as Organization button.


Step-3 Now a new record is created in the contact organization grid you can use this organization while creating a lead.

Organization Grid

NOTE- These above Persons and Organization you can assign it while creating a lead.