# Settings

Groups typically refer to a feature that allows users to categorize or segment contacts, leads, or customers based on certain criteria. These groups can help organize data and streamline communication or marketing efforts.

You can easily manage your almost Admin panel from the Settings menu.

# Groups

In Krayin CRM, groups typically refer to a feature that allows users to categorize or segment contacts, leads, or customers based on certain criteria. These groups can help organize data and streamline communication or marketing efforts.

# Roles

In Krayin CRM, roles typically refer to predefined sets of permissions and access levels that determine what actions users can perform within the system. These roles help to manage and control the level of access granted to different users based on their responsibilities and job functions.

# Users

A user typically refers to an individual who interacts with the CRM platform to manage customer relationships, sales processes, marketing campaigns, and other related activities.

# Pipeline

A pipeline refers to the stages through which a potential customer progresses from initial contact to conversion.It's essentially a visual representation of the sales process, outlining the steps that sales representatives take to move prospects from being leads to becoming paying customers.

# Sources

Sources refer to the channels or methods through which leads or prospects enter your sales pipeline. Accurately tracking the sources of leads is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts, as well as for optimizing your lead generation strategies.

# Types

It is the model that identifies weather it is an existing business or a new business also you can create new types.

# Attributes

Attributes are used to record distinctive information on (potential) business partners, contacts, opportunities, or activities and to segment data when specifying a batch selection for generating activities, mail merge (letters), or flexible reports.

# E-mail template

Email templates are a fast and easy way to send repetitive and recurring emails to multiple customers. They help save time and provide a way to create consistent, professional, preformatted email messages that can be used when communicating with customers.

# Workflows

A CRM workflow is a series or collection of steps required to complete a business process such as making a sale or responding to a customer complaint.

# Webforms

Web forms simplify the process of capturing visitors' or users' information from your website into your CRM system.

# Tags

Tags are unique identifiers that you can attach to customer data in your CRM system. They allow you to group people based on their needs and interests so that when it's time for marketing, they get the right message at the right time - something all marketers want!