# Attributes

Attributes are used to record distinctive information on (potential) business partners, contacts, opportunities, or activities and to segment data when specifying a batch selection for generating activities, mail merge (letters), or flexible reports.

# Create Attributes in Krayin.

Step-1 Go to admin panel of krayin and click on Settings >> Attributes >> Create Attributes as shown in the below image.


Step-2 Enter the below details.

1) Code- Add the code of the attribute.

2) Name- Enter the name of the attribute.

3) Entity Type- Select the entity type i.e. (lead, person, organization, product, quote) for the attribute.

4) Type- Select the type of the attribute from the dropdown.

5) Is Required- Select Yes/No if you want to make the attribute a required field or not.

6) Is Unique- Select Yes/No if you want to make the attribute a unique field or not.

7) Input Validation- Select the input validation i.e. (Number, Email, Decimal, URL).

Now click on Save as Attribute button.

Create Attributes

Step-3 A new record is created in the attribute data grid as shown in the below image.

Attributes Grid