# Pipeline

A pipeline refers to the stages through which a potential customer progresses from initial contact to conversion. It's essentially a visual representation of the sales process, outlining the steps that sales representatives take to move prospects from being leads to becoming paying customers.

# Create a Pipeline in Krayin

Step-1 Go to admin panel of krayin and click on Settings >> Pipeline >> Create Pipeline as shown in the below image.


Step-2 Enter the below details.

1) Name- Enter the name of the pipeline.

2) Rotting Days- Enter the days till your pipeline gets finished.

3) Mark as default- Manage it from the enable/disable icon.

Now click on the Save as Pipeline button.

NOTE- Enter the name and the probability percent of the pipeline also you can add the stage by clicking on the Add Stage button.

Create Pipeline

Step-3 A new record is created in the pipeline data grid as shown in the below image.

Pipeline Grid

NOTE- You can also add new attributes to a pipeline and accordingly created attributes will visible on the lead.