# E-mail template

Email templates are a fast and easy way to send repetitive and recurring emails to multiple customers. They help save time and provide a way to create consistent, professional, preformatted email messages that can be used when communicating with customers.

# Create E-mail templates in Krayin

Step-1 Go to admin panel of krayin and click on Settings >> E-mail template >> Create E-mail template as shown in the below image.

Email Template

Step-2 Add the below details.

1) Name- Enter the name of the email template.

2) Subject- Enter the subject of the email template.

3) Content- Enter the content of the email template.

Now click on Save as Email Template button.

Create Template

Step-3 A new record is created in the Email template grid as shown in the below image.

Template Grid

Step-4 Now you can add this Email template in Workflow now click on Settings >> Workflow >> Create Workflow select the Event to whom you need to send this email and now go to Actions and select Send Email as shown in the below image.

Template Workflow

Step-5 Now from Choose Option select your email template as shown in the below image.
