# Workflows

A CRM workflow is a series or collection of steps required to complete a business process such as making a sale or responding to a customer complaint. You can think of a CRM workflow as a line of dominoes you need to knock over to get from an initial trigger to your desired outcome.

# Create Workflows in Krayin

Step-1 Go to admin panel of krayin and click on Settings >> Workflows >> Create Workflow as shown in the below image.


Step-2 Add the below details.

1) Name- Enter the name of the workflow.

2) Description- Enter the description of the workflow.

3) Events- Select the eventfor the workflow .

4) Condition- Apply the condition as per the requirements.

5) Actions- Select the action of the workflow.

Now click on Save as Workflow button.

Create Workflow

Step-3 A new record is created in the workflow grid as shown in the below image.

Workflow Grid